Canadian College Apps

29 October 2018 by in News

As one goes through the process of planning the possible routes that they can take for the future, college remains an essential yet baffling piece in the puzzle. Some plan their college options from their youth; they set their eyes on a specific list of colleges that they persevere to get into. However, for others, the reality of embarking on a whole new stage of life is intimidating. These people must continually keep their options open and explore the opportunities that a country might have in store for them.

Applying to Canadian universities can be a viable option for students, and it definitely is for many of the seniors in ISM. There can be a multitude of reasons why one chooses to apply to college in Canada.

First and foremost, one reason may be the unique atmosphere that the country possesses. Senior Sam M. says, “Canada is an amazing place…. I’ve been to Vancouver and Toronto a lot over the past few years and I love the environment, so I would enjoy 4 years there.”

In addition, many cite the less severe standardized test and application requirements for Canadian universities (compared to other Western universities) as another reason. “Like I said, the number of requirements [is the difference],” Sam further states. “Nothing beats Canada in that it has the least amount of essays and testing.”

Senior Kim H. adds, “the main difference between Canadian applications and, for example, American applications are that for Canada, standardized testing like ACTs or SATs are not required. That was actually one of the things that really stood out to me during applications, because it makes my life so much easier. Also with other countries like the UK, there are tests, aside from standardized testing, that you’d have to take to get in.”

“Also, the country’s universities offer distinct transition opportunities from student life to adulthood. Canadian colleges offer co-op programs, which are basically internship programs that are integrated with your university education,” Kim says. “A lot of jobs today are looking for more experience and co-op ticks that box.”

Now, according to the Canadian government, there are a few steps that must be fulfilled before one can apply to university in Canada and reap its many benefits. Firstly, students should find out what is required in specific universities. This can be done through the EduCanada website ( established by the government. Second, the government also states the specific requirements that international students must satisfy. Third, it also recommends that students understand when to apply. For some universities, they abide by the “rolling-admission” process. Other, more competitive, universities recommend that the application be sent eight months in advance of the expected start date. Finally, one must settle the financial requirements for submitting the application.

As this may be a complicated process for many students who have no experience with the country’s application process or have done little research in this area, it is highly recommended that they attend the Canadian Application workshop that will be happening on October 15 from 3:00 pm-4:00 pm in the AMR.



Razel, S. 2018. Canadian College Apps. [ONLINE] Available at:

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